
Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit ; Rattus norvegicus

119 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 32699194 Satiety induced by bile acids is mediated via vagal afferent pathways. 2020 Jul 23 1
2 27703043 Low-anxiety rats are more sensitive to amphetamine in comparison to high-anxiety rats. 2017 Jan 1
3 28580417 Impact of Early Consumption of High-Fat Diet on the Mesolimbic Dopaminergic System. 2017 May-Jun 1
4 26433325 The neuroendocrine response to stress under the effect of drugs: Negative synergy between amphetamine and stressors. 2016 Jan 1
5 26845170 The Histaminergic Tuberomamillary Nucleus Is Involved in Appetite for Sex, Water and Amphetamine. 2016 3
6 26850920 Chronic caffeine produces sexually dimorphic effects on amphetamine-induced behavior, anxiety and depressive-like behavior in adolescent rats. 2016 Apr 1
7 26979294 Drug-Paired Contextual Stimuli Increase Dendritic Spine Dynamics in Select Nucleus Accumbens Neurons. 2016 Jul 2
8 27507424 Rats showing low and high sensitization of frequency-modulated 50-kHz vocalization response to amphetamine differ in amphetamine-induced brain Fos expression. 2016 Oct 1 4
9 26299338 A previous history of repeated amphetamine exposure modifies brain angiotensin II AT1 receptor functionality. 2015 Oct 29 1
10 25454411 Effects of differential rearing on amphetamine-induced c-fos expression in rats. 2014 Dec 1 2
11 23222036 Neural substrates of amphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization: unconditioned (zero context) and conditioned (switch versus same context) components in c-fos overexpression. 2013 1
12 24225225 The neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor knockdown modulates activator protein 1-involved feeding behavior in amphetamine-treated rats. 2013 Nov 13 2
13 21110986 T-type calcium channel antagonism produces antipsychotic-like effects and reduces stimulant-induced glutamate release in the nucleus accumbens of rats. 2012 Mar 2
14 22063717 Brain pattern of histone H3 phosphorylation after acute amphetamine administration: its relationship to brain c-fos induction is strongly dependent on the particular brain area. 2012 Feb 3
15 21326191 Continuous, but not intermittent, antipsychotic drug delivery intensifies the pursuit of reward cues. 2011 May 2
16 21570990 Sensitized activation of Fos and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the medial prefrontal cortex and ventral tegmental area accompanies behavioral sensitization to amphetamine. 2011 Sep 6
17 20406670 The brain pattern of c-fos induction by two doses of amphetamine suggests different brain processing pathways and minor contribution of behavioural traits. 2010 Jul 14 3
18 20600661 Chronic low dose Adderall XR down-regulates cfos expression in infantile and prepubertal rat striatum and cortex. 2010 Sep 15 1
19 19084559 Expression of c-fos mRNA in the basal ganglia associated with contingent tolerance to amphetamine-induced hypophagia. 2009 Mar 17 2
20 19796495 Reversal of dopaminergic degeneration in a parkinsonian rat following micrografting of human bone marrow-derived neural progenitors. 2009 1
21 17920581 Involvement of central histaminergic systems in modafinil-induced but not methylphenidate-induced increases in locomotor activity in rats. 2008 Jan 14 1
22 18080115 Repeated amphetamine administration induces Fos in prefrontal cortical neurons that project to the lateral hypothalamus but not the nucleus accumbens or basolateral amygdala. 2008 Apr 4
23 18347780 Expression of amphetamine sensitization is associated with recruitment of a reactive neuronal population in the nucleus accumbens core. 2008 May 2
24 18417125 Enhanced function in the good forelimb of hemi-parkinson rats: compensatory adaptation for contralateral postural instability? 2008 Jun 1
25 18634767 Conditioned fear inhibits c-fos mRNA expression in the central extended amygdala. 2008 Sep 10 2
26 18834549 Amphetamine and pseudoephedrine cross-tolerance measured by c-Fos protein expression in brains of chronically treated rats. 2008 Oct 6 2
27 17443818 Differential effects of stress and amphetamine administration on Fos-like protein expression in corticotropin releasing factor-neurons of the rat brain. 2007 May 2
28 17714194 Activation of afferents to the ventral tegmental area in response to acute amphetamine: a double-labelling study. 2007 Aug 3
29 17720257 Repeated amphetamine administration outside the home cage enhances drug-induced Fos expression in rat nucleus accumbens. 2007 Dec 28 7
30 17931790 Differential laminar effects of amphetamine on prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons. 2007 Nov 9 3
31 17970739 Context modulates the expression of conditioned motor sensitization, cellular activation and synaptophysin immunoreactivity. 2007 Nov 3
32 16084549 Activations of c-fos/c-jun signaling are involved in the modulation of hypothalamic superoxide dismutase (SOD) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) gene expression in amphetamine-mediated appetite suppression. 2006 Apr 15 3
33 16678866 Enhancement of AP-1 DNA-binding activity during amphetamine- and phencyclidine-mediated behaviour in rats. 2006 Jun 1
34 15673443 Inhibition of the central extended amygdala by loud noise and restraint stress. 2005 Jan 1
35 15866553 Sensitized attentional performance and Fos-immunoreactive cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain of amphetamine-pretreated rats. 2005 May 15 2
36 16037947 Expanded mesencephalic precursors develop into grafts of densely packed dopaminergic neurons that reinnervate the surrounding striatum and induce functional responses in the striatal neurons. 2005 Oct 1
37 14745483 Fos immunocytochemical studies on the neuroanatomical sites of action of acute tyrosine depletion in the rat brain. 2004 Feb 2
38 14751279 Long-term behavioral and neuronal cross-sensitization to amphetamine induced by repeated brief social defeat stress: Fos in the ventral tegmental area and amygdala. 2004 4
39 15010207 mGluR5-dependent increases in immediate early gene expression in the rat striatum following acute administration of amphetamine. 2004 Mar 30 2
40 15111640 Inorganic lead exposure in the rat activates striatal cFOS expression at lower blood levels and inhibits amphetamine-induced cFOS expression at higher blood levels. 2004 Aug 10
41 12422375 Host brain regulation of dopaminergic grafts function: role of the serotonergic and noradrenergic systems in amphetamine-induced responses. 2003 Jan 1
42 12559087 Neurons colocalizing urocortin and cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript immunoreactivities are induced by acute lipopolysaccharide stress in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in the rat. 2003 1
43 12801600 Neurotensin: dual roles in psychostimulant and antipsychotic drug responses. 2003 Jun 27 1
44 12890524 Environmental context and drug history modulate amphetamine-induced c-fos mRNA expression in the basal ganglia, central extended amygdala, and associated limbic forebrain. 2003 9
45 12955385 Interaction between the noradrenergic and serotonergic systems in locomotor hyperactivity and striatal expression of Fos induced by amphetamine in rats. 2003 Nov 3
46 12965227 Striatal dopaminergic stimulation produces c-Fos expression in the PPT and an increase in wakefulness. 2003 Oct 3 1
47 11750902 Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptor mediates upregulation of transcription factor mRNA expression in rat striatum induced by acute administration of amphetamine. 2002 Jan 11 1
48 11879792 The ability of amphetamine to evoke arc (Arg 3.1) mRNA expression in the caudate, nucleus accumbens and neocortex is modulated by environmental context. 2002 Mar 15 1
49 12009778 Amphetamine-induced Fos expression is evident in gamma-aminobutyric acid neurons in the globus pallidus and entopeduncular nucleus in rats treated with intrastriatal c-fos antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. 2002 May 5
50 12112395 Repeated ventral tegmental area amphetamine administration alters dopamine D1 receptor signaling in the nucleus accumbens. 2002 Sep 1 1