Title : Human MRP2 exports MC-LR but not the glutathione conjugate.

Pub. Date : 2019 Sep 25

PMID : 31348918

12 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 MC congeners, currently >240 known, differ dramatically in their uptake kinetics, i.e. their uptake via OATP1B1 and OATP1B3, in OATP overexpressing human HEK293 cells and primary human hepatocytes. microcystin solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1 Homo sapiens
2 MC congeners, currently >240 known, differ dramatically in their uptake kinetics, i.e. their uptake via OATP1B1 and OATP1B3, in OATP overexpressing human HEK293 cells and primary human hepatocytes. microcystin solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3 Homo sapiens
3 It is thus likely that MC congeners will also differ with respect to the cellular efflux of the parent and conjugated congeners, e.g. via MRPs, MDRs, BCRP or BSEP. microcystin BCR pseudogene 1 Homo sapiens
4 It is thus likely that MC congeners will also differ with respect to the cellular efflux of the parent and conjugated congeners, e.g. via MRPs, MDRs, BCRP or BSEP. microcystin ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 11 Homo sapiens
5 Consequently, the role and kinetics of different human efflux transporters - MRP, MDR, BCRP and BSEP in MC efflux was studied using insect membrane vesicles overexpressing the human transporters of interest. microcystin ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 1 Homo sapiens
6 Consequently, the role and kinetics of different human efflux transporters - MRP, MDR, BCRP and BSEP in MC efflux was studied using insect membrane vesicles overexpressing the human transporters of interest. microcystin BCR pseudogene 1 Homo sapiens
7 Consequently, the role and kinetics of different human efflux transporters - MRP, MDR, BCRP and BSEP in MC efflux was studied using insect membrane vesicles overexpressing the human transporters of interest. microcystin ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 11 Homo sapiens
8 Of the efflux transporters investigated, MRP2 displayed MC transport. microcystin ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2 Homo sapiens
9 MC transport by MRP2 was MC congener-specific, whereby MC-LF was transported more rapidly than MC-LR and -RR. microcystin ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2 Homo sapiens
10 MC transport by MRP2 was MC congener-specific, whereby MC-LF was transported more rapidly than MC-LR and -RR. microcystin ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2 Homo sapiens
11 MC transport by MRP2 was MC congener-specific, whereby MC-LF was transported more rapidly than MC-LR and -RR. microcystin ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2 Homo sapiens
12 Although MRP2 showed specific MC transport, the MC-LR-GSH conjugate, was not transported suggesting the involvement of other transporters than MRP2 for the conjugate efflux. microcystin ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2 Homo sapiens