Aspartic Acid

N-acetyltransferase 8 like ; Homo sapiens

4 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 32639720 Structure of the Brain N-Acetylaspartate Biosynthetic Enzyme NAT8L Revealed by Computer Modeling. 2020 Aug 5 2
2 30595160 N-acetylaspartate pathway is nutrient responsive and coordinates lipid and energy metabolism in brown adipocytes. 2019 Mar 1
3 20385109 Methamphetamine-induced neuronal protein NAT8L is the NAA biosynthetic enzyme: implications for specialized acetyl coenzyme A metabolism in the CNS. 2010 Jun 4 2
4 19807691 Molecular identification of aspartate N-acetyltransferase and its mutation in hypoacetylaspartia. 2009 Dec 14 2