Title : Cell Death Inducing Microbial Protein Phosphatase Inhibitors--Mechanisms of Action.

Pub. Date : 2015 Oct 22

PMID : 26506362

3 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 They indicate that enzymes of the arachidonic acid pathway, notably phospholipase A2, 5-lipoxygenase, and cyclooxygenases, may be required for nodularin/MC-induced (and presumably OA-induced) cell death, suggesting new ways to overcome at least some aspects of OA and MC toxicity. microcystin phospholipase A2 group IB Homo sapiens
2 They indicate that enzymes of the arachidonic acid pathway, notably phospholipase A2, 5-lipoxygenase, and cyclooxygenases, may be required for nodularin/MC-induced (and presumably OA-induced) cell death, suggesting new ways to overcome at least some aspects of OA and MC toxicity. microcystin arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase Homo sapiens
3 They indicate that enzymes of the arachidonic acid pathway, notably phospholipase A2, 5-lipoxygenase, and cyclooxygenases, may be required for nodularin/MC-induced (and presumably OA-induced) cell death, suggesting new ways to overcome at least some aspects of OA and MC toxicity. microcystin phospholipase A2 group IB Homo sapiens