Title : Chronic administration of morphine is associated with a decrease in surface AMPA GluR1 receptor subunit in dopamine D1 receptor expressing neurons in the shell and non-D1 receptor expressing neurons in the core of the rat nucleus accumbens.

Pub. Date : 2008 Apr

PMID : 18294632

5 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Chronic administration of morphine is associated with a decrease in surface AMPA GluR1 receptor subunit in dopamine D1 receptor expressing neurons in the shell and non-D1 receptor expressing neurons in the core of the rat nucleus accumbens. Morphine glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1 Rattus norvegicus
2 Immunogold electron microscopy was used to quantify the surface expression of the AMPA GluR1 subunit in dendritic profiles of neurons in the Acb in response to intermittent 14-day non-contingent injections of escalating doses of morphine, a model that parallels opioid self-administration. Morphine glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1 Rattus norvegicus
3 We provide the first report that chronic morphine administration is associated with a receptor-phenotypic decrease in surface trafficking of GluR1 in Acb subregions. Morphine glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1 Rattus norvegicus
4 When compared to saline injected animals, morphine produced a decrease in plasma membrane GluR1 labeling in medium- and large-sized D1R expressing dendritic profiles in the Acb shell. Morphine glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1 Rattus norvegicus
5 These results indicate that chronic intermittent injection of escalating doses of morphine is accompanied by ultrastructural plasticity of GluR1 in neurons that are responsive to glutamate and dopamine-induced D1R activation in the Acb shell, and neurons capable of responding to glutamate but not D1R receptor stimulation in the Acb core. Morphine glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1 Rattus norvegicus