Title : Directed evolution can rapidly improve the activity of chimeric assembly-line enzymes.

Pub. Date : 2007 Jul 17

PMID : 17620609

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Using rounds of mutagenesis coupled with in vivo screens for NRP production, we rapidly isolated variants of two different chimeric NRPSs with approximately 10-fold improvements in enzyme activity and product yield, including one that produces new derivatives of the potent NRP/polyketide antibiotic andrimid. Polyketides neuropilin 1 Homo sapiens
2 Using rounds of mutagenesis coupled with in vivo screens for NRP production, we rapidly isolated variants of two different chimeric NRPSs with approximately 10-fold improvements in enzyme activity and product yield, including one that produces new derivatives of the potent NRP/polyketide antibiotic andrimid. Polyketides neuropilin 1 Homo sapiens