24 Article(s)Download |
PMID | Title | Pub. Year | #Total Relationships |
1 | 32469522 | Effect of Common Excipients on Intestinal Drug Absorption in Wistar Rats. | 2020 Jul 6 | 1 |
2 | 28235604 | MiR-466b-1-3p regulates P-glycoprotein expression in rat cerebral microvascular endothelial cells. | 2017 Apr 3 | 1 |
3 | 25730814 | Rhodamine-123: a p-glycoprotein marker complex with sodium lauryl sulfate. | 2015 Mar | 1 |
4 | 24735764 | Effects of long-term hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury on the function of P-glycoprotein in vivo in rats. | 2014 | 1 |
5 | 23234641 | Comparative evaluation of two dye probes in the rat everted gut sac model for unambiguous classification of P-gp substrate and inhibitor. | 2013 Jan-Feb | 2 |
6 | 24041929 | Guggulsterone regulates the function and expression of P-glycoprotein in rat brain microvessel endothelial cells. | 2013 Oct 15 | 2 |
7 | 20955690 | Acetaminophen-induced stimulation of MDR1 expression and activity in rat intestine and in LS 174T human intestinal cell line. | 2011 Jan 15 | 1 |
8 | 21685928 | Tissue-specific alterations in expression and function of P-glycoprotein in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. | 2011 Jul | 1 |
9 | 19465096 | New findings on melatonin absorption and alterations by pharmaceutical excipients using the Ussing chamber technique with mounted rat gastrointestinal segments. | 2009 Aug 13 | 3 |
10 | 19814863 | Effect of intestinal ischaemia/reperfusion on P-glycoprotein-mediated ileal excretion of rhodamine 123 in the rat. | 2009 Oct | 2 |
11 | 18403942 | P-glycoprotein function and expression during obstructive cholestasis in rats. | 2008 May | 2 |
12 | 15663893 | Modulation of P-glycoprotein function by amlodipine derivatives in brain microvessel endothelial cells of rats. | 2005 Feb | 1 |
13 | 16124934 | Effect of efavirenz on intestinal p-glycoprotein and hepatic p450 function in rats. | 2005 Aug 4 | 1 |
14 | 12626638 | Examination of the functional activity of P-glycoprotein in the rat placental barrier using rhodamine 123. | 2003 Jun | 1 |
15 | 12138126 | Regulation of MDR-1 (P-glycoprotein) by cyclooxygenase-2. | 2002 Oct 11 | 1 |
16 | 12226838 | Effect of interferons on P-glycoprotein-mediated rhodamine-123 efflux in cultured rat hepatocytes. | 2002 Oct | 1 |
17 | 11428664 | Expression and function of P-glycoprotein in rats with carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatic failure. | 2001 Jun | 2 |
18 | 11445244 | Permeability of the peptidic GH secretagogues hexarelin and EP 51389, across rat jejunum. | 2001 Jul | 1 |
19 | 11477162 | Effect of chronic renal failure on the expression and function of rat intestinal P-glycoprotein in drug excretion. | 2001 Aug | 2 |
20 | 11040353 | Expression and function of P-glycoprotein in rats with glycerol-induced acute renal failure. | 2000 Oct 20 | 1 |
21 | 9744774 | Fluorescence methods to assess multidrug resistance in individual cells. | 1998 | 1 |
22 | 9821664 | Renal excretion of rhodamine 123, a P-glycoprotein substrate, in rats with glycerol-induced acute renal failure. | 1998 Oct | 1 |
23 | 7912496 | Inhibition of rhodamine 123 secretion by cyclosporin A as a model of P-glycoprotein mediated transport in liver. | 1994 Mar-Apr | 4 |
24 | 7905358 | Assessment of P-glycoprotein-dependent drug transport in isolated rat hepatocytes using rhodamine 123. | 1993 Jul-Sep | 1 |