
complement C2 ; Homo sapiens

72 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
51 12522669 TPD-TG-MS study of carbonate calcium hydroxyapatite particles. 2003 Mar 1
52 12820214 A simple method for oxygen-18 determination of milligram quantities of water using NaHCO3 reagent. 2003 1
53 11866609 Hydrogen and higher shell contributions in Zn2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ aqueous solutions: an X-ray absorption fine structure and molecular dynamics study. 2002 Mar 6 1
54 11866610 Development and validation of an integrated computational approach for the study of ionic species in solution by means of effective two-body potentials. The case of Zn2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ in aqueous solutions. 2002 Mar 6 1
55 11735543 Preparation of vinylogous 2-sulfonylindolines by the palladium-catalyzed heteroannulation of o-iodoanilines with dienyl sulfones and their further transformation to indoles and carbazoles. 2001 Dec 14 1
56 10070020 Contributions of net hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis to glucose production in cirrhosis. 1999 Mar 1
57 8901910 Studies on the molecular toxicology of buta-1,3-diene and isoprene epoxides. 1996 Oct 28 1
58 7780191 Tritium labelling of amino sugars at C-2 by alkaline epimerization in tritiated water. 1995 Mar 1
59 1321591 When are metal ion-dependent hydroxyl and alkoxyl radical adducts of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide artifacts? 1992 Aug 1 2
60 1522767 The inhibitory effect of water on the Co2+ and Cu2+ catalyzed decomposition of methyl linoleate hydroperoxides. 1992 Mar 3
61 2564894 Synthesis of congeners and prodrugs. 3. Water-soluble prodrugs of taxol with potent antitumor activity. 1989 Apr 1
62 3036209 Isotope effect evidence for the zinc hydroxide mechanism of carbonic anhydrase catalysis. 1987 Mar 24 1
63 2981549 A fluorescence quenching technique for the measurement of paramagnetic ion concentrations at the membrane/water interface. Intrinsic and X537A-mediated cobalt fluxes across lipid bilayer membranes. 1985 Jan 25 1
64 25024146 Use of doubly-labeled water ((3)HH (18)O) for determination of H 2O flux and CO 2 production by a mammal in a humid environment. 1983 Aug 1
65 6130536 Role of anions and carbonic anhydrase in epithelia. 1982 Dec 1 1
66 6789903 Exchange of labeled nuclei in the CO2--HCO3--solvent system catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase. 1981 Jul 1
67 6933539 Radiometric analysis of biological oxidations in man: sex differences in estradiol metabolism. 1980 Aug 2
68 893680 The critical importance of urinary concentrating ability in the generation of urinary carbon dioxide tension. 1977 Oct 5
69 1249186 Catechol estrogen formation by the human fetal brain and pituitary. 1976 Jan 1
70 235372 Some physico-chemical properties of aqueous solutions of N alpha-acyl-l-histidine. 1975 Feb 1
71 5438017 A direct proton magnetic resonance study of Co2+ complexes with imidazole, 4-methylpyridine, pyridine, pyrimidine, and purine in water-acetone mixtures. 1970 Apr 22 1
72 5685263 Rapid preparation of tritium-labeled bile acids by enolic exchange on basic alumina containing tritiated water. 1968 Nov 1