Title : Synthesis of Highly Selective Submicromolar Microcystin-Based Inhibitors of Protein Phosphatase (PP)2A over PP1.

Pub. Date : 2016 Nov 2

PMID : 27723199

3 Functional Relationships(s)
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Protein Name
1 Our approach led to the first MC analogue with submicromolar inhibitory potency that is strongly selective for PP2A over PP1 and does not require the complex lipophilic Adda group. microcystin protein phosphatase 2 phosphatase activator Homo sapiens
2 Our approach led to the first MC analogue with submicromolar inhibitory potency that is strongly selective for PP2A over PP1 and does not require the complex lipophilic Adda group. microcystin inorganic pyrophosphatase 1 Homo sapiens
3 Our approach led to the first MC analogue with submicromolar inhibitory potency that is strongly selective for PP2A over PP1 and does not require the complex lipophilic Adda group. microcystin adducin 1 Homo sapiens