Title : Reticular dysgenesis-associated AK2 protects hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell development from oxidative stress.

Pub. Date : 2015 Jul 27

PMID : 26150473

3 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 AK2-deficient iPSCs recapitulated the characteristic myeloid maturation arrest at the promyelocyte stage and demonstrated an increased AMP/ADP ratio, indicative of an energy-depleted adenine nucleotide profile. Adenosine Monophosphate adenylate kinase 2 Homo sapiens
2 AK2-deficient iPSCs recapitulated the characteristic myeloid maturation arrest at the promyelocyte stage and demonstrated an increased AMP/ADP ratio, indicative of an energy-depleted adenine nucleotide profile. Adenosine Diphosphate adenylate kinase 2 Homo sapiens
3 AK2-deficient iPSCs recapitulated the characteristic myeloid maturation arrest at the promyelocyte stage and demonstrated an increased AMP/ADP ratio, indicative of an energy-depleted adenine nucleotide profile. Adenine Nucleotides adenylate kinase 2 Homo sapiens