Title : Nitric oxide inhibits the accumulation of CD4+CD44hiTbet+CD69lo T cells in mycobacterial infection.

Pub. Date : 2012 Dec

PMID : 22890814

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Examination of the T-cell phenotype in M. avium infected mice demonstrated that CD4(+)CD44(hi) effector T cells expressing the Th1 transcriptional regulator T-bet (T-bet(+)) were specifically reduced by the presence of nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide T-box 21 Mus musculus
2 Examination of the T-cell phenotype in M. avium infected mice demonstrated that CD4(+)CD44(hi) effector T cells expressing the Th1 transcriptional regulator T-bet (T-bet(+)) were specifically reduced by the presence of nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide T-box 21 Mus musculus