Title : The generation of nerve and muscle repetivie activity in the rat phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation following inhibition of cholinesterase by ecothiopate.

Pub. Date : 1977 May

PMID : 195659

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1 Steady exposure to acetylcholine abolished both forms of RA.5 Two competitive inhibitors of cholinesterase, neostigmine and ambenonium, were also shown to evoke RA in nerve and muscle. Acetylcholine butyrylcholinesterase Rattus norvegicus
2 The generation times for nerve RA and muscle RA were similar to those following ecothiopate.6 It was concluded that nerve RA and muscle RA were generated after the inhibition of cholinesterase by ecothiopate as a result of the prolonged action of acetylcholine upon cholinoceptive sites on the nerve terminal and motor endplate respectively. Acetylcholine butyrylcholinesterase Rattus norvegicus