Title : Salt intake determines the renal response to L-arginine infusion in normal human subjects.

Pub. Date : 1998 May

PMID : 9573545

1 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Compared to the control infusion, L-arginine did not significantly alter blood pressure, inulin or paraaminohippurate clearance, but significantly increased (P < 0.05) the excretion of NO2 + NO3 (NOx) (LS, 157 +/- 46 to 210 +/- 48 mumol.min-1; HS, 138 +/- 30 to 182 +/- 70) and cGMP (LS, 253 +/- 63 to 337 +/- 76 pmol.min-1; HS, 311 +/- 68 to 563 +/- 52). Arginine NBL1, DAN family BMP antagonist Homo sapiens