Title : Cytokeratin expression and hyaluronic acid production in cultures of human synovial microvascular endothelial cells: influence of cytokines and growth factors.

Pub. Date : 1996 Dec

PMID : 9086447

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 HSE cells produced hyaluronic acid (HA) at a constitutive rate of 200-800 ng/10(5) cells/24 h, which could be upregulated when the cells were incubated with either IL-1 alpha or aFGF. Hyaluronic Acid interleukin 1 alpha Homo sapiens
2 HSE cells produced hyaluronic acid (HA) at a constitutive rate of 200-800 ng/10(5) cells/24 h, which could be upregulated when the cells were incubated with either IL-1 alpha or aFGF. Hyaluronic Acid interleukin 1 alpha Homo sapiens