Title : The role of metals in the enzymatic and nonenzymatic oxidation of epinephrine.

Pub. Date : 1993 Mar

PMID : 8492301

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Oxygen consumption studies of ceruloplasmin catalyzed epinephrine oxidation showed that copper was a better promoter of epinephrine oxidation than was iron, suggesting that ceruloplasmin-catalyzed epinephrine oxidation results from adventitious copper bound to the purified enzyme. Oxygen ceruloplasmin Homo sapiens
2 Oxygen consumption studies of ceruloplasmin catalyzed epinephrine oxidation showed that copper was a better promoter of epinephrine oxidation than was iron, suggesting that ceruloplasmin-catalyzed epinephrine oxidation results from adventitious copper bound to the purified enzyme. Oxygen ceruloplasmin Homo sapiens