Title : Following the Crystallization of Amorphous Ice after Ultrafast Laser Heating.

Pub. Date : 2022 Mar 24

PMID : 35275642

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1 Using time-resolved wide-angle X-ray scattering, we investigated the early stages (10 mus-1 ms) of crystallization of supercooled water, obtained by the ultrafast heating of high- and low-density amorphous ice (HDA and LDA) up to a temperature T = 205 K +- 10 K. We have determined that the crystallizing phase is stacking disordered ice (Isd), with a maximum cubicity of chi = 0.6, in agreement with predictions from molecular dynamics simulations at similar temperatures. Water carboxylesterase 2 Homo sapiens
2 Using time-resolved wide-angle X-ray scattering, we investigated the early stages (10 mus-1 ms) of crystallization of supercooled water, obtained by the ultrafast heating of high- and low-density amorphous ice (HDA and LDA) up to a temperature T = 205 K +- 10 K. We have determined that the crystallizing phase is stacking disordered ice (Isd), with a maximum cubicity of chi = 0.6, in agreement with predictions from molecular dynamics simulations at similar temperatures. Water carboxylesterase 2 Homo sapiens