Title : Vanadium Derivative Exposure Promotes Functional Alterations of VSMCs and Consequent Atherosclerosis via ROS/p38/NF-κB-Mediated IL-6 Production.

Pub. Date : 2019 Dec 4

PMID : 31817202

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Inhibition experiments with NAC and pharmacological inhibitors demonstrated that NaVO3-induced IL-6 production is signaled by ROS-triggered p38-mediated NF-kappaB-dependent pathways. Reactive Oxygen Species nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 1, p105 Mus musculus
2 We concluded that NaVO3 exposure activates the ROS-triggering p38 signaling to selectively induce NF-kappaB-mediated IL-6 production. Reactive Oxygen Species nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 1, p105 Mus musculus