Title : Low-carbohydrate diet by staple change attenuates postprandial GIP and CPR levels in type 2 diabetes patients.

Pub. Date : 2019 Nov

PMID : 31466840

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Low-carbohydrate diet by staple change attenuates postprandial GIP and CPR levels in type 2 diabetes patients. Carbohydrates gastric inhibitory polypeptide Homo sapiens
2 CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that changing only the carbohydrate content of the staple food has benefits on glucose and lipid metabolism in T2DM patients concomitant with the decrease of insulin and GIP secretion, which ameliorate body weight gain and insulin resistance. Carbohydrates gastric inhibitory polypeptide Homo sapiens