Title : Non-monotonous Wetting of Graphene-Mica and MoS2-Mica Interfaces with a Molecular Layer of Water.

Pub. Date : 2018 Dec 18

PMID : 30449108

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Non-monotonous Wetting of Graphene-Mica and MoS2-Mica Interfaces with a Molecular Layer of Water. Graphite MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A Homo sapiens
2 Investigation of the process at the graphene-mica interface indicates that up to about 25% RH, initially a highly compliant and unstable layer of water spreads, which subsequently stabilizes by developing labyrinthine nanostructures. Graphite MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A Homo sapiens