Title : Deciphering the glycolipid code of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's amyloid proteins allowed the creation of a universal ganglioside-binding peptide.

Pub. Date : 2014

PMID : 25140899

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 By modulating the amino acid sequence of alpha-synuclein at only two positions in which we introduced a pair of histidine residues found in Abeta, we created a chimeric alpha-synuclein/Abeta peptide with extended ganglioside-binding properties. Histidine amyloid beta precursor protein Homo sapiens
2 By modulating the amino acid sequence of alpha-synuclein at only two positions in which we introduced a pair of histidine residues found in Abeta, we created a chimeric alpha-synuclein/Abeta peptide with extended ganglioside-binding properties. Histidine amyloid beta precursor protein Homo sapiens