Title : Heterochromatin Protein 1a (HP1a) partner specificity is determined by critical amino acids in the chromo shadow domain and C-terminal extension.

Pub. Date : 2013 Aug 2

PMID : 23793104

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Examining a panel of amino acid substitutions in the HP1a CSD, we find that Leu-165 in HP1a interacts with HP2 but not PIWI, supporting the conclusion that different sites in the binding surface provide discrimination for partner selection. Leucine Suppressor of variegation 205 Drosophila melanogaster
2 Examining a panel of amino acid substitutions in the HP1a CSD, we find that Leu-165 in HP1a interacts with HP2 but not PIWI, supporting the conclusion that different sites in the binding surface provide discrimination for partner selection. Leucine Suppressor of variegation 205 Drosophila melanogaster