Title : Quercetin inhibits invasion, migration and signalling molecules involved in cell survival and proliferation of prostate cancer cell line (PC-3).

Pub. Date : 2011 Mar

PMID : 21308698

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Quercetin downregulates uPA, uPAR and EGF, EGF-R mRNA expressions. Quercetin epidermal growth factor receptor Homo sapiens
2 Quercetin inhibits cell survival factor beta-catenin, NF-kappaB and also proliferative signalling molecules such as p-EGF-R, N-Ras, Raf-1, c.Fos c.Jun and p-c.Jun protein expressions. Quercetin epidermal growth factor receptor Homo sapiens