Title : The flavonoid quercetin induces apoptosis and inhibits migration through a MAPK-dependent mechanism in osteoblasts.

Pub. Date : 2008

PMID : 18979154

6 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 The flavonoid quercetin induces apoptosis and inhibits migration through a MAPK-dependent mechanism in osteoblasts. Quercetin mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 Homo sapiens
2 Western blot analysis showed that quercetin induced activation of ERK and p38, but not JNK. Quercetin mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 Homo sapiens
3 Quercetin-induced cell death was prevented by the ERK inhibitor PD98059, but not by inhibitors of p38 and JNK. Quercetin mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 Homo sapiens
4 Quercetin inhibited cell migration, and its effect was prevented by inhibitors of ERK and p38. Quercetin mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 Homo sapiens
5 Taken together, these findings suggest that quercetin induces apoptosis through a mitochondria-dependent mechanism involving ERK activation and inhibits migration through activation of ERK and p38 pathways. Quercetin mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 Homo sapiens
6 Taken together, these findings suggest that quercetin induces apoptosis through a mitochondria-dependent mechanism involving ERK activation and inhibits migration through activation of ERK and p38 pathways. Quercetin mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 Homo sapiens