Title : Heterogeneous chemistry of the NO3 free radical and N2O5 on decane flame soot at ambient temperature: reaction products and kinetics.

Pub. Date : 2007 Mar 15

PMID : 17388277

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 The gas-phase reaction products of NO3 reacting with gray soot were NO, N2O5, HONO, and HNO3 with HONO being absent on black soot. Nitrous Acid NBL1, DAN family BMP antagonist Homo sapiens
2 The gas-phase reaction products of NO3 reacting with gray soot were NO, N2O5, HONO, and HNO3 with HONO being absent on black soot. Nitrous Acid NBL1, DAN family BMP antagonist Homo sapiens