Title : N-linked glycosylation is required for nicotinic receptor assembly but not for subunit associations with calnexin.

Pub. Date : 2005 Oct 7

PMID : 16091366

3 Functional Relationships(s)
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Protein Name
1 Because the chaperone calnexin (CN) associates with N-linked glycans, we examined CN interactions with AChR subunits. n-linked glycans calnexin Homo sapiens
2 Because the chaperone calnexin (CN) associates with N-linked glycans, we examined CN interactions with AChR subunits. n-linked glycans calnexin Homo sapiens
3 Additionally, CN associations with subunits lacking N-linked glycans occurred without subunit aggregation or misfolding. n-linked glycans calnexin Homo sapiens