Title : Modification of histidine (B10) is the causative agent for a superactive form of insulin.

Pub. Date : 2002 Jan 18

PMID : 11785967

5 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Modification of histidine (B10) is the causative agent for a superactive form of insulin. Histidine insulin Homo sapiens
2 It was found that the insulin was bound to the resin through histidine B10, His (B10), and its ammonium bicarbonate-mediated release resulted in an insulin analog in which His (B10) was modified on the imidazole ring. Histidine insulin Homo sapiens
3 It was found that the insulin was bound to the resin through histidine B10, His (B10), and its ammonium bicarbonate-mediated release resulted in an insulin analog in which His (B10) was modified on the imidazole ring. Histidine insulin Homo sapiens
4 It was found that the insulin was bound to the resin through histidine B10, His (B10), and its ammonium bicarbonate-mediated release resulted in an insulin analog in which His (B10) was modified on the imidazole ring. Histidine insulin Homo sapiens
5 Since Asp (B10) insulin is also superactive, the observed superactivity may thus stem from either modification of the histidine or its conversion to aspartic acid. Histidine insulin Homo sapiens