Title : Role of protein kinase Cdelta in transmitting hypoxia signal to HSF and HIF-1.

Pub. Date : 2001 Aug

PMID : 11424089

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Our finding that a bioflavonoid quercetin (QCT), a well known inhibitor of hsp gene expression, significantly inhibited the transcriptional activation of HSF and HIF-1 strongly suggests that QCT-sensitive molecule(s) is involved in the transcriptional activation of HSF and HIF-1 by hypoxia. Flavonoids interleukin 6 Homo sapiens
2 Our finding that a bioflavonoid quercetin (QCT), a well known inhibitor of hsp gene expression, significantly inhibited the transcriptional activation of HSF and HIF-1 strongly suggests that QCT-sensitive molecule(s) is involved in the transcriptional activation of HSF and HIF-1 by hypoxia. Flavonoids interleukin 6 Homo sapiens