Title : Influence of age on the thermic response to caffeine in women.

Pub. Date : 2000 Jan

PMID : 10647072

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1 Caffeine ingestion resulted in similar increases in younger and older women for plasma caffeine (younger, 80 +/- 34 to 5,604 +/- 528 ng/mL, P < .01; older, 154 +/- 134 to 5,971 +/- 867 ng/mL, P < .01) and fatty acids (younger, 294 +/- 118 to 798 +/- 248 micromol/L, P < .01; older, 360 +/- 180 to 727 +/- 310 micromol/L, P < .01), whereas plasma insulin and glucose levels remained unchanged from baseline. Caffeine insulin Homo sapiens