
fibrillin 1 ; Homo sapiens

12 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 23073272 High homocysteine and low folate concentrations in acute aortic dissection. 2013 Sep 20 1
2 21561146 Homocysteine modifies structural and functional properties of fibronectin and interferes with the fibronectin-fibrillin-1 interaction. 2011 Jun 14 1
3 21661368 Spontaneous perforation of the small intestine, a novel manifestation of classical homocystinuria in an adult with new cystathionine beta-synthetase gene mutations. 2011 Mar 1
4 19889633 Functional consequences of homocysteinylation of the elastic fiber proteins fibrillin-1 and tropoelastin. 2010 Jan 8 2
5 16677079 Fibrillin-1 misfolding and disease. 2006 Mar-Apr 1
6 15713466 Molecular effects of homocysteine on cbEGF domain structure: insights into the pathogenesis of homocystinuria. 2005 Feb 25 1
7 15780501 Homocysteinemia is a risk factor for aortic dissection. 2005 1
8 16096271 Modification of the structure and function of fibrillin-1 by homocysteine suggests a potential pathogenetic mechanism in homocystinuria. 2005 Oct 14 2
9 15704258 Role of hyperhomocysteinemia in aortic disease. 2004 Dec 1
10 12749382 High exogenous homocysteine modifies eye development in early chick embryos. 2003 Jan 1
11 10721908 Mechanisms of homocysteine toxicity on connective tissues: implications for the morbidity of aging. 2000 Feb 1
12 10993712 A deficiency of cysteine impairs fibrillin-1 deposition: implications for the pathogenesis of cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency. 2000 Aug 1