
trefoil factor 3 ; Homo sapiens

7 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 20423149 Human intestinal TFF3 forms disulfide-linked heteromers with the mucus-associated FCGBP protein and is released by hydrogen sulfide. 2010 Jun 4 2
2 12846574 The closely related estrogen-regulated trefoil proteins TFF1 and TFF3 have markedly different hydrodynamic properties, overall charge, and distribution of surface charge. 2003 Jul 15 1
3 14690424 Solution structure of the disulfide-linked dimer of human intestinal trefoil factor (TFF3): the intermolecular orientation and interactions are markedly different from those of other dimeric trefoil proteins. 2003 Dec 30 2
4 10779222 Mechanisms of regulatory peptide action in the gastrointestinal tract: trefoil peptides. 2000 1
5 10848594 Distinct pathways of cell migration and antiapoptotic response to epithelial injury: structure-function analysis of human intestinal trefoil factor. 2000 Jul 1
6 7718582 Characterization of human and rat intestinal trefoil factor produced in yeast. 1995 Apr 11 3
7 7721858 Molecular cloning of the rat intestinal trefoil factor gene. Characterization of an intestinal goblet cell-associated promoter. 1995 Apr 21 2