ammonium ferrous sulfate

T cell receptor beta variable 20/OR9-2 (non-functional) ; Homo sapiens

6 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 17982024 Cutting edge: Rac GTPases sensitize activated T cells to die via Fas. 2007 Nov 15 2
2 11485350 Costimulation by extracellular matrix proteins determines the response to TCR ligation. 2001 May 25 1
3 10201902 TCR engagement regulates differential responsiveness of human memory T cells to Fas (CD95)-mediated apoptosis. 1999 Apr 1 1
4 10227994 Cell cycle-dependent regulation of FLIP levels and susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis. 1999 May 1 2
5 9637489 Differential involvement of a Fas-CPP32-like protease pathway in apoptosis of TCR/CD9-costimulated, naive T cells and TCR-restimulated, activated T cells. 1998 Jun 15 2
6 8892606 Response of a human T cell clone to a large panel of altered peptide ligands carrying single residue substitutions in an antigenic peptide: characterization and frequencies of TCR agonism and TCR antagonism with or without partial activation. 1996 Nov 1 1