
LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: renin ; Oryctolagus cuniculus

8 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 8641745 Renin regulation in cultured proximal tubular cells. 1996 Jun 1
2 8928832 Blockade of chloride channels by DIDS stimulates renin release and inhibits contraction of afferent arterioles. 1996 May 1
3 7607716 Effects of furosemide and verapamil on the NaCl dependency of macula densa-mediated renin secretion. 1995 Jul 1
4 1380591 Effects of isradipine on plasma renin activity in sodium-loaded and -depleted conscious rabbits. 1992 Apr 1
5 1590424 Calcium-dependent inhibitory step in control of renin secretion. 1992 May 1
6 2547868 The effect of theophylline and cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate on renin release by afferent arterioles. 1989 Jul 3
7 2459555 The renin-angiotensin system modulates the peripheral vascular effects of the calcium antagonist isradipine in anesthetized rabbits. 1988 Aug 2
8 6312014 Role of calcium in the interaction of alpha and beta adrenoceptor-mediated renin release in isolated, constant pressure perfused rabbit kidneys. 1983 Oct 4