
disproportionating enzyme 2 ; Arabidopsis thaliana

10 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 35378390 Carbon pathways during transitory starch degradation in Arabidopsis differentially affect the starch granule number and morphology in the dpe2/phs1 mutant background. 2022 Mar 29 11
2 34641402 Starch Granule Size and Morphology of Arabidopsis thaliana Starch-Related Mutants Analyzed during Diurnal Rhythm and Development. 2021 Sep 27 2
3 28275148 Starch Synthase 4 and Plastidal Phosphorylase Differentially Affect Starch Granule Number and Morphology. 2017 May 1
4 29155859 Reduced starch granule number per chloroplast in the dpe2/phs1 mutant is dependent on initiation of starch degradation. 2017 6
5 24302650 Double knockout mutants of Arabidopsis grown under normal conditions reveal that the plastidial phosphorylase isozyme participates in transitory starch metabolism. 2014 Feb 1
6 21691153 Mutations in leaf starch metabolism modulate the diurnal root growth profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana. 2011 Jul 1
7 20700743 Repression of both isoforms of disproportionating enzyme leads to higher malto-oligosaccharide content and reduced growth in potato. 2010 Oct 1
8 16640603 A transglucosidase necessary for starch degradation and maltose metabolism in leaves at night acts on cytosolic heteroglycans (SHG). 2006 May 1
9 14593480 The role of amylomaltase in maltose metabolism in the cytosol of photosynthetic cells. 2004 Jan 2
10 14996213 A cytosolic glucosyltransferase is required for conversion of starch to sucrose in Arabidopsis leaves at night. 2004 Mar 1