
prolactin ; Homo sapiens

197 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 34871486 Metoclopramide for Milk Production in Lactating Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 2021 Nov 1
2 33254515 Repurposing prolactin as a promising immunomodulator for the treatment of COVID-19: Are common Antiemetics the wonder drug to fight coronavirus? 2020 Nov 1
3 30519818 Effect of metoclopramide administration to mothers on neonatal bilirubin and maternal prolactin: a randomized, controlled, clinical trial. 2019 Apr 4
4 32200584 Basal and metoclopramide induced prolactin secretion in lean PCOS women. 2019 Dec 4
5 27841032 Pituitary response profile following metoclopramide administration in women with different forms of hyperprolactinemia. 2017 Feb 1
6 22664046 Moderate hyperprolactinemia is associated with survival in patients with acute graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. 2012 Mar 1
7 20530986 Effect of ghrelin and metoclopramide on prolactin secretion in normal women. 2011 Apr 4
8 19059524 Influence of modified transdermal hormone replacement therapy on the concentrations of hormones, growth factors, and bone mineral density in women with osteopenia. 2009 Jan 1
9 19398999 Galactorrhea with metoclopramide use in the neonatal unit. 2009 May 1
10 22140413 Pharmacological hyperprolactinaemia. 2009 3
11 16724376 Functional hyperprolactinemia and hypophyseal microadenoma in systemic sclerosis. 2006 Jun 1
12 15795909 Successful treatment of Diamond-Blackfan anemia with metoclopramide. 2005 Apr 1
13 15968232 A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of metoclopramide for the treatment of Tourette's disorder. 2005 Jul 1
14 16817144 [Macroprolactin in subjects with hyperprolactinaemia: clinical observations and relations between free PRL and PRL complexed with IgG]. 2005 Sep-Oct 1
15 14870917 Neuroendocrine dopaminergic regulation of prolactin release in systemic lupus erythematosus: a possible role of lymphocyte-derived prolactin. 2004 2
16 15523934 [The endocrine mask of a developing process of schizophrenia--case study]. 2004 Sep-Oct 1
17 11925390 Prolactin and growth hormone secretion after thyrotrophin-releasing hormone infusion and dopaminergic (DA2) blockade in infertile patients with minimal/mild endometriosis. 2002 Apr 1
18 11942771 Increased hypothalamic dopaminergic tone only in early parous women with either malignant or benign breast tumors. 2002 Mar-Apr 2
19 12351372 Response of Diamond-Blackfan anemia to metoclopramide: evidence for a role for prolactin in erythropoiesis. 2002 Oct 15 2
20 12588043 Antiprolactin autoantibodies are associated with hyperprolactinemic status in men infected with human immunodeficiency virus. 2002 Nov 3
21 12722409 [Hormonal abnormalities in women with breast cysts]. 2002 Nov 1
22 11422107 Decreased dopaminergic tone and increased basal bioactive prolactin in men with human immunodeficiency virus infection. 2001 Jun 1
23 11561213 Growth hormone and prolactin secretion after metoclopramide administration (DA2 receptor blockade) in fertile women. 2001 Sep 1
24 10732318 Effect of parity on pituitary prolactin response to metoclopramide and domperidone: implications for the enhancement of lactation. 2000 Jan-Feb 7
25 10765095 Paradoxical stimulation of prolactin secretion by L-dopa in metastatic prostate cancer and its possible role in prostate-cancer-related hyperprolactinemia. 2000 May 3
26 10880731 Hypothalamic dopaminergic tone and prolactin bioactivity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. 2000 Mar-Apr 2
27 10955855 Elevation of plasma prolactin in patients undergoing autologous blood stem-cell transplantation for breast cancer: is its modulation a step toward posttransplant immunotherapy? 2000 Aug 3
28 11261272 [Prolactin as pro-inflammatory cytokine--considerations on consolidated immunotherapy after high dosage therapy]. 2000 1
29 15251686 Tumor-grade hyperprolactinemia induced by multiple medications in the setting of renal failure. 1999 May-Jun 1
30 9070698 Differences in the metoclopramide-induced prolactin release related to age at first full-term pregnancy or nulliparity. 1997 Feb 3
31 9179513 Effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and metoclopramide on PRL secretion in normally cycling and amenorrheic alcoholic women. 1997 Apr 14 2
32 8701791 Prolactin response to metoclopramide and thyrotropin-releasing hormone in normoprolactinemic and hyperprolactinemic women: a comparison of diagnostic validity. 1996 Apr 5
33 8737186 No difference between micro- and macroprolactinomas in the prolactin responsiveness to metoclopramide and dopamine administration. 1996 Feb 2
34 8803308 Metoclopramide-induced impotence and akathisia: a case report. 1996 Jun 2
35 9010834 Aldosterone response to metoclopramide in patients with prolactinoma: effect of short-term bromocriptine treatment. 1996 Nov 2
36 7554710 Restoration of normal sperm characteristics in hypoprolactinemic infertile men treated with metoclopramide and exogenous human prolactin. 1995 Sep 1
37 8547445 Prolactin response to buspirone challenge in the presence of dopaminergic blockade. 1995 Aug 15 1
38 8585180 [Status of hypothalamic dopamine receptors in spinocerebellar degenerations]. 1995 May-Jun 2
39 8053078 Ondansetron does not stimulate prolactin release in breast cancer patients. 1994 Jun 30 1
40 7690312 Enhanced prolactin responsiveness to galanin in patients with Cushing's disease. 1993 Aug 4
41 7823004 Prolactin (PRL) release in normal and growth hormone deficient children after oral metoclopramide. 1993 Oct 2
42 8291452 Effects of ovarian surgery on the dopaminergic and opioidergic control of gonadotropin and prolactin secretion in women with polycystic ovarian disease. 1993 Sep 1
43 8406122 [Serum prolactin during oral metoclopramide in normal nulliparous women]. 1993 Apr 2
44 8498149 Different responses in little and bigbig prolactin to metoclopramide in subjects with hyperprolactinemia due to 150-170 kD (bigbig) prolactin. 1993 Apr 8
45 1296388 [A case of functional hyperprolactinemia]. 1992 Oct 1
46 1304992 [A double-blind study of metoclopramide in the treatment of schizophrenia and determination of prolactin]. 1992 Dec 1
47 1323636 Effect of atrial natriuretic hormone on metoclopramide-induced stimulation of aldosterone. 1992 Aug 1
48 1352703 The effects of a dopamine antagonist on luteinizing hormone and prolactin release in women with anorexia nervosa and in normal controls. 1992 Mar 1
49 1396349 A patient with a prolactinoma associated with an aldosterone producing adrenal adenoma: differences in dopaminergic regulation of PRL and aldosterone secretion. 1992 Apr 3
50 1527538 Serum prolactin response to metoclopramide during status epilepticus. 1992 Aug 2