
carbonic anhydrase 1 ; Rattus norvegicus

112 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 33275959 Ethanol induces persistent potentiation of 5-HT3 receptor-stimulated GABA release at synapses on rat hippocampal CA1 neurons. 2021 Feb 15 3
2 34523142 Prenatal alcohol and cannabis exposure can have opposing and region-specific effects on parvalbumin interneuron numbers in the hippocampus. 2021 Nov 3
3 30481568 Chronic Intermittent Ethanol Exposure Selectively Increases Synaptic Excitability in the Ventral Domain of the Rat Hippocampus. 2019 Feb 1 1
4 30797854 Restraint stress exacerbates cell degeneration induced by acute binge ethanol in the adolescent, but not in the adult or middle-aged, brain. 2019 May 17 2
5 30849242 Chronic intermittent ethanol administration differentially alters DeltaFosB immunoreactivity in cortical-limbic structures of rats with high and low alcohol preference. 2019 1
6 29391132 Neonatal Ethanol and Choline Treatments Alter the Morphology of Developing Rat Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons in Opposite Directions. 2018 Mar 15 2
7 30733663 Glutamate Receptor-Mediated Neurotoxicity in a Model of Ethanol Dependence and Withdrawal in Rat Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures. 2018 5
8 28965654 Broad-spectrum protein kinase inhibition by the staurosporine analog KT-5720 reverses ethanol withdrawal-associated loss of NeuN/Fox-3. 2017 Nov 1
9 26482846 Learning by subtraction: Hippocampal activity and effects of ethanol during the acquisition and performance of response sequences. 2016 May 2
10 27038592 Ethanol Toxicity During Brain Development: Alterations of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Immature Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures. 2016 Apr 2
11 24997566 Protection of the developing brain with anthocyanins against ethanol-induced oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. 2015 1
12 25581546 Aberrant NMDA-dependent LTD after perinatal ethanol exposure in young adult rat hippocampus. 2015 Aug 2
13 25623404 Apoptotic cell death and temporal expression of apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bax in the hippocampus, following binge ethanol in the neonatal rat model. 2015 Jan 4
14 26190975 Corticosterone enhances the potency of ethanol against hippocampal long-term potentiation via local neurosteroid synthesis. 2015 1
15 24773438 Impaired trace fear conditioning and diminished ERK1/2 phosphorylation in the dorsal hippocampus of adult rats administered alcohol as neonates. 2014 Apr 1
16 24923763 Effects of electroacupuncture on ethanol-induced impairments of spatial learning and memory and Fos expression in the hippocampus in rats. 2014 Jul 25 2
17 23352848 Locally-generated acetaldehyde is involved in ethanol-mediated LTP inhibition in the hippocampus. 2013 Mar 14 1
18 23871534 Neonatal ethanol exposure results in dose-dependent impairments in the acquisition and timing of the conditioned eyeblink response and altered cerebellar interpositus nucleus and hippocampal CA1 unit activity in adult rats. 2013 Sep 4
19 23889203 Long-term ethanol and corticosterone co-exposure sensitize the hippocampal ca1 region pyramidal cells to insult during ethanol withdrawal in an NMDA GluN2B subunit-dependent manner. 2013 Dec 3
20 23889304 Long-term modulation of A-type K(+) conductances in hippocampal CA1 interneurons in rats after chronic intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence or adulthood. 2013 Dec 2
21 24086839 Histomorphometric study of fructus psoralea on ethanol induced neurodegeneration of hippocampus in rat. 2013 Aug 1
22 22564862 Acute ethanol administration affects memory reactivation: a look at the neuronal density and apoptosis in the rat hippocampus. 2012 Aug 2
23 23223306 Ethanol promotes clathrin adaptor-mediated endocytosis via the intracellular domain of δ-containing GABAA receptors. 2012 Dec 5 1
24 23507995 Ethanol disrupts reactivated contextual conditioned fear memory: behavioral and histological perspectives. 2012 Winter 2
25 21314692 Ethanol exposure in early adolescence inhibits intrinsic neuronal plasticity via sigma-1 receptor activation in hippocampal CA1 neurons. 2011 May 1
26 20381593 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the dorsal hippocampus and the basolateral amygdala are involved in ethanol-induced conditioned place preference. 2010 Jun 30 2
27 20488644 Repeated third trimester-equivalent ethanol exposure inhibits long-term potentiation in the hippocampal CA1 region of neonatal rats. 2010 May 3
28 20660126 Differential sensitivity of hippocampal interneurons to ethanol in adolescent and adult rats. 2010 Oct 1
29 20004339 AMPAR-mediated synaptic transmission in the CA1 hippocampal region of neonatal rats: unexpected resistance to repeated ethanol exposure. 2009 Dec 3
30 18061285 Chronic ethanol consumption in rats produces residual increases in anxiety 4 months after withdrawal. 2008 Mar 17 1
31 18423576 Acute and chronic ethanol exposure differentially affect induction of hippocampal LTP. 2008 May 23 3
32 18446581 Increased tunel positive cells in CA1, CA2, and CA3 subfields of rat hippocampus due to copper and ethanol co-exposure. 2008 May 2
33 16626946 Social isolation stress and neuroactive steroids. 2007 Jan 1
34 17591545 Ethanol effects on GABA-gated current in a model of increased alpha4betadelta GABAA receptor expression depend on time course and preexposure to low concentrations of the drug. 2007 May 1
35 17883414 GABAergic neurosteroids mediate the effects of ethanol on long-term potentiation in rat hippocampal slices. 2007 Oct 1
36 17989301 Mechanisms of reversible GABAA receptor plasticity after ethanol intoxication. 2007 Nov 7 1
37 16163526 Neurosteroids, GABAA receptors, and ethanol dependence. 2006 Jun 1
38 16377087 Effects of neurosteroid 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one on ethanol-mediated paired-pulse depression of population spikes in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slices. 2006 Feb 6 1
39 16805802 Social isolation-induced increase in alpha and delta subunit gene expression is associated with a greater efficacy of ethanol on steroidogenesis and GABA receptor function. 2006 Jul 1
40 16978724 Prenatal-through-postnatal exposure to moderate levels of ethanol leads to damage on the hippocampal CA1 field of juvenile rats: a stereology and Golgi study. 2006 Dec 2
41 15882810 Chronic ethanol modulates delta and mu-opioid receptor expression in rat CNS: immunohistochemical analysis with quantitiative confocal microscopy. 2005 Jun 10-17 1
42 15919065 Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure enhances NMDA-receptor-mediated synaptic responses and NMDA receptor expression in hippocampal CA1 region. 2005 Jun 28 4
43 15963425 Effects of acute administration of ethanol on cerebral glucose utilization in adult alcohol-preferring and alcohol-nonpreferring rats. 2005 Feb 1
44 15963648 Synergistic effects of the peptide fragment D-NAPVSIPQ on ethanol inhibition of synaptic plasticity and NMDA receptors in rat hippocampus. 2005 2
45 16181739 A single day of ethanol exposure during development has persistent effects on bi-directional plasticity, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor function and ethanol sensitivity. 2005 1
46 16216426 Acute effects of ethanol on hippocampal long-term potentiation and long-term depression are mediated by different mechanisms. 2005 2
47 16340465 Ethanol exposure and withdrawal sensitizes the rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell region to beta-amyloid (25-35)-induced cytotoxicity: NMDA receptor involvement. 2005 Nov 3
48 14977068 Acute ethanol intoxication in a model of traumatic brain injury: the protective role of moderate doses demonstrated by immunoreactivity of synaptophysin in hippocampal neurons. 2004 Jan 2
49 14998822 Chronic ethanol consumption regulates cannabinoid CB1 receptor gene expression in selected regions of rat brain. 2004 Mar-Apr 1
50 15051150 GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition by ethanol of long-term potentiation in the basolateral amygdala-dentate gyrus pathway in vivo. 2004 1