
ERCC excision repair 8, CSA ubiquitin ligase complex subunit ; Homo sapiens

6 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 16771499 Variability of the 15N chemical shielding tensors in the B3 domain of protein G from 15N relaxation measurements at several fields. Implications for backbone order parameters. 2006 Jun 21 6
2 16967194 Measurement of 15N relaxation in deuterated amide groups in proteins using direct nitrogen detection. 2006 Sep 3
3 16331420 Applications of variable-angle sample spinning experiments to the measurement of scaled residual dipolar couplings and 15N CSA in soluble proteins. 2005 Nov 1
4 15298381 Direct measurement of dynamic frequency shift induced by cross-correlations in 15N-enriched proteins. 2004 Jul 19 1
5 12766413 Direct measurement of the 15N CSA/dipolar relaxation interference from coupled HSQC spectra. 2003 Jun 1
6 9500898 Quantitative investigation of dipole-CSA cross-correlated relaxation by ZQ/DQ spectroscopy. 1998 Feb 1