Reactive Oxygen Species

acyl-CoA oxidase 1 ; Homo sapiens

16 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 32434419 Enterovirus 71 induces neural cell apoptosis and autophagy through promoting ACOX1 downregulation and ROS generation. 2020 Dec 3
2 30912813 Hypothesized Evolutionary Consequences of the Alternative Oxidase (AOX) in Animal Mitochondria. 2019 Oct 1 3
3 30968134 Alternative oxidase is an important player in the regulation of nitric oxide levels under normoxic and hypoxic conditions in plants. 2019 Aug 29 1
4 24635054 Knockdown of mitochondrial alternative oxidase induces the 'stress state' of signaling molecule pools in Nicotiana tabacum, with implications for stomatal function. 2014 Jul 4
5 24903327 Effects of modifying alternative respiration on nitric oxide-induced virus resistance and PR1 protein accumulation. 2014 Sep 1
6 25057436 Role of SCOX in determination of Drosophila melanogaster lifespan. 2014 1
7 21779957 The reduction of reactive oxygen species formation by mitochondrial alternative respiration in tomato basal defense against TMV infection. 2012 Feb 1
8 23173452 [Role of mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) pathway in photoprotection in Rumex K-1 leaves]. 2012 Jul 1
9 21883255 Mitochondrial alternative oxidase pathway protects plants against photoinhibition by alleviating inhibition of the repair of photodamaged PSII through preventing formation of reactive oxygen species in Rumex K-1 leaves. 2011 Dec 2
10 19943171 Importance of ROS and antioxidant system during the beneficial interactions of mitochondrial metabolism with photosynthetic carbon assimilation. 2010 Jan 3
11 20059731 Reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in plant mitochondria: origin and redundant regulatory systems. 2010 Apr 2
12 20887565 Developmental significance of cyanide-resistant respiration under stressed conditions: experiments in Dictyostelium cells. 2010 Sep 1
13 19059403 Functional expression of plant alternative oxidase decreases antimycin A-induced reactive oxygen species production in human cells. 2009 Jan 5 2
14 19470093 Alternative oxidase: a target and regulator of stress responses. 2009 Dec 2
15 19549068 Regulation of respiration when the oxygen availability changes. 2009 Dec 5
16 9698817 Alternative oxidase in the branched mitochondrial respiratory network: an overview on structure, function, regulation, and role. 1998 Jun 1