
cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 ; Rattus norvegicus

42 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 34625609 Role of hippocampal NF-κB and GluN2B in the memory acquisition impairment of experiences gathered prior to cocaine administration in rats. 2021 Oct 8 1
2 27053349 Involvement of AMPA/Kainate Glutamate Receptor in the Extinction and Reinstatement of Morphine-Induced Conditioned Place Preference: A Behavioral and Molecular Study. 2017 Mar 2
3 28923416 Cocaine modulates allosteric D21 receptor-receptor interactions on dopamine and glutamate nerve terminals from rat striatum. 2017 Dec 1
4 26740398 Reflections on: "A general role for adaptations in G-Proteins and the cyclic AMP system in mediating the chronic actions of morphine and cocaine on neuronal function". 2016 Aug 15 1
5 26861675 D-Serine in the nucleus accumbens region modulates behavioral sensitization and extinction of conditioned place preference. 2016 Apr 1
6 27261631 Post-cocaine changes in regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins in the dorsal striatum: Relevance for cocaine-seeking and protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation. 2016 Oct 1
7 25522720 Region and context-specific intracellular responses associated with cocaine-induced conditioned place preference expression. 2015 Feb 26 1
8 25716852 Optogenetic stimulation of accumbens shell or shell projections to lateral hypothalamus produce differential effects on the motivation for cocaine. 2015 Feb 25 1
9 26398380 Working memory deficits and alterations of ERK and CREB phosphorylation following withdrawal from cocaine self-administration. 2015 Oct 4
10 24560901 Inhibitory modulation of CART peptides in accumbal neuron through decreasing interaction of CaMKIIα with dopamine D3 receptors. 2014 Apr 4 1
11 24953280 Microinjection of CART (cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript) peptide into the nucleus accumbens inhibits the cocaine-induced upregulation of dopamine receptors and locomotor sensitization. 2014 Sep 1
12 25100957 Environmental enrichment alters protein expression as well as the proteomic response to cocaine in rat nucleus accumbens. 2014 1
13 23624776 Short and long access to cocaine self-administration activates tyrosine phosphatase STEP and attenuates GluN expression but differentially regulates GluA expression in the prefrontal cortex. 2013 Oct 5
14 23665060 Sexually dimorphic intracellular responses after cocaine-induced conditioned place preference expression. 2013 Jul 3 2
15 23717324 MicroRNAs and Drug Addiction. 2013 1
16 21812869 Chronic cocaine self-administration modulates ERK1/2 and CREB responses to dopamine receptor agonists in striatal slices. 2012 May 6
17 22453546 Effects of acupuncture on stress-induced relapse to cocaine-seeking in rats. 2012 Jul 3
18 21248106 The suppressive effect of an intra-prefrontal cortical infusion of BDNF on cocaine-seeking is Trk receptor and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase dependent. 2011 Jan 19 6
19 21295078 Changes in phosphorylation of CREB, ERK, and c-fos induction in rat ventral tegmental area, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex after conditioned place preference induced by chemical stimulation of lateral hypothalamus. 2011 Jun 20 2
20 21632938 A silent synapse-based mechanism for cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. 2011 Jun 1 4
21 21886557 Liquiritigenin decreases selective molecular and behavioral effects of cocaine in rodents. 2011 Mar 2
22 22072694 Overexpression of CREB in the nucleus accumbens shell increases cocaine reinforcement in self-administering rats. 2011 Nov 9 11
23 20451507 Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed CREB and serine 133 phospho-CREB binding to the CART gene proximal promoter. 2010 Jul 16 2
24 20613834 Striatal microRNA controls cocaine intake through CREB signalling. 2010 Jul 8 3
25 19046951 Regulation of CART peptide expression by CREB in the rat nucleus accumbens in vivo. 2009 Jan 28 3
26 19052730 Sex differences in basal and cocaine-induced alterations in PKA and CREB proteins in the nucleus accumbens. 2009 Apr 1
27 19912338 Context-specific modulation of cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization and ERK and CREB phosphorylation in the rat nucleus accumbens. 2009 Nov 1
28 18598691 Repeated cocaine administration increases N-methyl-d-aspartate NR1 subunit, extracellular signal-regulated kinase and cyclic AMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation and glutamate release in the rat dorsal striatum. 2008 Aug 20 2
29 17125745 Alterations of CREB and DARPP-32 phosphorylation following cocaine and monoaminergic uptake inhibitors. 2007 Jan 12 2
30 17324065 Differential activation of cAMP response element binding protein in discrete nucleus accumbens subregions during early and late cocaine sensitization. 2007 Feb 7
31 17439498 Region-specific tolerance to cocaine-regulated cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation following chronic self-administration. 2007 Apr 1
32 17920048 Effects of acute cocaine on ERK and DARPP-32 phosphorylation pathways in the caudate-putamen of Fischer rats. 2007 Oct 31 2
33 16359811 Antisense-induced reduction in nucleus accumbens cyclic AMP response element binding protein attenuates cocaine reinforcement. 2006 12
34 16520736 CREB modulates excitability of nucleus accumbens neurons. 2006 Apr 2
35 16219028 Cocaine-induced CREB phosphorylation in nucleus accumbens of cocaine-sensitized rats is enabled by enhanced activation of extracellular signal-related kinase, but not protein kinase A. 2005 Dec 9
36 14727002 Effects of kappa-opioid receptor ligands on intracranial self-stimulation in rats. 2004 Apr 2
37 15470197 Extracellular receptor kinase and cAMP response element binding protein activation in the neonatal rat heart after perinatal cocaine exposure. 2004 Dec 3
38 12595601 Perinatal cocaine exposure stimulates the expression and activation of CREB in the neonatal rat heart. 2003 Mar 4
39 11549750 Altered responsiveness to cocaine and increased immobility in the forced swim test associated with elevated cAMP response element-binding protein expression in nucleus accumbens. 2001 Sep 15 3
40 11739600 cAMP response element-binding protein is required for dopamine-dependent gene expression in the intact but not the dopamine-denervated striatum. 2001 Dec 15 2
41 9856954 Regulation of cocaine reward by CREB. 1998 Dec 18 3
42 8385579 Cellular responses to chronic treatment with drugs of abuse. 1993 1