
dopamine receptor D3 ; Homo sapiens

5 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 34349232 Exploring regulation and function of dopamine D3 receptors in alcohol use disorder. A PET [11C]-(+)-PHNO study. 2021 Nov 1
2 26718579 D3 dopamine receptor-preferring [11C]PHNO PET imaging in Parkinson patients with dyskinesia. 2016 Jan 19 1
3 26141509 Imaging the D3 dopamine receptor across behavioral and drug addictions: Positron emission tomography studies with [(11)C]-(+)-PHNO. 2015 Sep 1
4 23921256 Heightened D3 dopamine receptor levels in cocaine dependence and contributions to the addiction behavioral phenotype: a positron emission tomography study with [11C]-+-PHNO. 2014 Jan 1
5 19153147 Decreased binding of the D3 dopamine receptor-preferring ligand [11C]-(+)-PHNO in drug-naive Parkinson's disease. 2009 May 1