Protein Name high mobility group AT-hook 2
Organism Homo sapiens
Gene ID 8091
Gene Symbol


UniProt P52926 (HMGA2_HUMAN), Q1M183 (Q1M183_HUMAN), F5H2A4 (F5H2A4_HUMAN), F5H6H0 (F5H6H0_HUMAN)
Relationships Total Number of functionally related compound(s) : 179
Total Number of Articles : 180

high mobility group AT-hook 2

Gene Summary

This gene encodes a protein that belongs to the non-histone chromosomal high mobility group (HMG) protein family. HMG proteins function as architectural factors and are essential components of the enhancesome. This protein contains structural DNA-binding domains and may act as a transcriptional regulating factor. Identification of the deletion, amplification, and rearrangement of this gene that are associated with myxoid liposarcoma suggests a role in adipogenesis and mesenchymal differentiation. A gene knock out study of the mouse counterpart demonstrated that this gene is involved in diet-induced obesity. Alternate transcriptional splice variants, encoding different isoforms, have been characterized. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

  • high mobility group protein HMGI-C
  • HMGA2/KRT121P fusion
  • BABL
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