Protein Name S100 calcium binding protein G
Organism Homo sapiens
Gene ID 795
Gene Symbol


UniProt P29377 (S100G_HUMAN)
Relationships Total Number of functionally related compound(s) : 130
Total Number of Articles : 193

S100 calcium binding protein G

Gene Summary

This gene encodes calbindin D9K, a vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein. This cytosolic protein belongs to a family of calcium-binding proteins that includes calmodulin, parvalbumin, troponin C, and S100 protein. In the intestine, the protein is vitamin D-dependent and its expression correlates with calcium transport activity. The protein may increase Ca2+ absorption by buffering Ca2+ in the cytoplasm and increase ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in duodenal basolateral membrane vesicles. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

  • protein S100-G
  • calbindin 3, (vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein)
  • calbindin D9K
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