amyloid beta precursor protein ; Rattus norvegicus

1174 Article(s)
Pub. Date
#Total Relationship(s)
1 2558 Central regulation of blood eosinophilia by the beta-adrenergic system in rats. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol 1976 1
2 8132 The effect of beta-adrenergic blocking agents on experimental porphyria induced by 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) in vivo and in vitro. Biochim Biophys Acta 1976 Aug 24 2
3 8341 Effects of autonomic drugs on epididymal contractions. Fertil Steril 1976 Aug 2
4 30817 Differences in responsiveness to adipokinetic agents between white epididymal and brown interscapula adipose tissue from rats. J Pharm Pharmacol 1978 Oct 1
5 33189 Stimulation by epinephrine of in vivo phosphorylation and inactivation of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase of rat epididymal adipose tissue. J Biol Chem 1979 Mar 10 3
6 157199 [Effect of thyrocalcitonin and an alpha blocking agent in the secretion of amylase, in vitro, on rat parotid and pancreas]. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil 1978 1
7 170700 Bronchodilator drug efficacy via cyclic AMP. Thorax 1975 Apr 2
8 225469 Cardiac inotropic beta adrenoceptors are fully active at low temperature. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1979 Sep 4
9 842692 Coupling of signals to brown fat: alpha- and beta-adrenergic responses in intact rats. Am J Physiol 1977 Mar 1
10 1032950 Metabolic effect of alpha-and the beta-adrenergic stimulation of rat submaxillary gland in vitro. Biochem J 1976 Dec 15 3
11 1129359 Anorexigenic effects of d-amphetamine and l-DOPA in the rat. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1975 Jan-Feb 2
12 1191650 Characterization of the passive and active transport mechanisms for bile acid uptake into rat isolated intestinal epithelial cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1975 Oct 6 3
13 1280867 The acute phase response of rats to soman intoxication. Toxicology 1992 Oct 1
14 1288495 The cholinergic agonist carbachol reduces intracellular beta-amyloid precursor protein in PC 12 and C6 cells. Biochem Int 1992 Dec 1
15 1306490 Amyloid precursor protein mRNA encoding the Kunitz protease inhibitor domain is increased by kainic acid-induced seizures in rat hippocampus. Exp Neurol 1992 Dec 1
16 1331353 Onset of a painful peripheral neuropathy in rat: a partial and differential deafferentation and spontaneous discharge in A beta and A delta primary afferent neurons. J Neurophysiol 1992 Sep 2
17 1337311 Reduction properties of nitrated naphthalenes: relationship between electrochemical reduction potential and the enzymatic reduction by microsomes or cytosol from rat liver. Chem Biol Interact 1992 Dec 1
18 1346545 Hypoglycemic effects of a beta-agonist, Ro 16-8714, in streptozotocin-diabetic rats: decreased hepatic glucose production and increased glucose utilization in oxidative muscles. Metabolism 1992 Feb 5
19 1352872 Effect of a beta-adrenergic agonist on glucose transport and insulin-responsive glucose transporters (GLUT4) in brown adipose tissue of control and obese fa/fa rats. Pflugers Arch 1992 May 1
20 1355441 The antinociceptive actions of dexmedetomidine on dorsal horn neuronal responses in the anaesthetized rat. Eur J Pharmacol 1992 Apr 29 2
21 1404497 Morphological differentiation and proteoglycan synthesis regulate Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein processing in PC-12 and human astrocyte cultures. J Neurosci Res 1992 Jun 2
22 1458313 Accumulation of amyloid precursor protein in damaged neuronal processes and microglia following intracerebral administration of aluminum salts. Brain Res 1992 Oct 9 1
23 1528932 Role of cholinergic and adrenergic pathways of the medial septal area in the control of water intake and renal excretion in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1992 May 1
24 1594281 Spinal local anaesthetic actions on afferent evoked responses and wind-up of nociceptive neurones in the rat spinal cord: combination with morphine produces marked potentiation of antinociception. Pain 1992 Apr 4
25 1630593 Electrophysiological evidence for a role of nitric oxide in prolonged chemical nociception in the rat. Neuropharmacology 1992 Mar 5
26 1640496 Reactive microglia/macrophages phagocytose amyloid precursor protein produced by neurons following neural damage. J Neurosci Res 1992 Mar 1
27 1681984 Outflow of endogenous aspartate and glutamate from the rat spinal dorsal horn in vitro by activation of low- and high-threshold primary afferent fibers. Modulation by mu-opioids. Brain Res 1991 Jul 12 4
28 1787884 Dextromethorphan and levorphanol on dorsal horn nociceptive neurones in the rat. Neuropharmacology 1991 Dec 1
29 1971574 Biotransformation of lovastatin. I. Structure elucidation of in vitro and in vivo metabolites in the rat and mouse. Drug Metab Dispos 1990 Mar-Apr 3
30 2247319 Intrathecal etorphine, fentanyl and buprenorphine on spinal nociceptive neurones in the rat. Pain 1990 Aug 1
31 2293145 A spinal mechanism of action is involved in the antinociception produced by the capsaicin analogue NE 19550 (olvanil). Pain 1990 Dec 1
32 2437399 Pharmacological profile of carvedilol as a beta-blocking agent with vasodilating and hypotensive properties. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1987 Mar 1
33 2447978 Clenbuterol, a beta agonist, induces growth in innervated and denervated rat soleus muscle via apparently different mechanisms. Biosci Rep 1987 Jun 1
34 2551454 Participation of opiate receptors located in the nucleus tractus solitarii in the hypotension induced by alpha-methyldopa. Brain Res 1989 Sep 25 1
35 2556199 Delta-opioid mediated inhibitions of acute and prolonged noxious-evoked responses in rat dorsal horn neurones. Br J Pharmacol 1989 Nov 2
36 2573541 An antiserum to the extracellular domain of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor recognizes 70 and 88 kDa brain proteins. FEBS Lett 1989 Nov 6 1
37 2578132 Modulation of beta-adrenergic response in rat brain astrocytes by serum and hormones. J Cell Physiol 1985 Jan 1
38 2657321 The effects of islet activating protein on oral glucose tolerance in the genetically obese fa/fa rat. Metabolism 1989 Apr 1
39 2733424 Topical isoproterenol protects the rat gastric mucosa from ethanol-induced injury. J Surg Res 1989 Jun 3
40 2784835 Approaches to isozyme-specific inhibitors. 16. A novel methyl-C5' covalent adduct of L-ethionine and beta,gamma-imido-ATP as a potent multisubstrate inhibitor of rat methionine adenosyltransferases. J Med Chem 1989 Apr 2
41 2842561 Corticotropin-releasing factor reverses the effect of pentobarbital through a beta-noradrenergic mechanism in rats. Life Sci 1988 2
42 2845445 Peripheral mediation of effects of clenbuterol on locomotor and investigatory behavior in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1988 Jun 3
43 2864385 Alpha- and beta-adrenergic mediation of changes in metabolism and Na/K exchange in rat brown fat. J Gen Physiol 1985 Aug 1
44 2879797 Mechanism of antianaphylactic action of beta-agonists in allergic inflammation of air pouch type in rats. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol 1987 1
45 2903569 A1 noradrenergic action on medial preoptic-medial septal neurons: a neuropharmacological study. Synapse 1988 1
46 2918498 Synthesis of gastrin antagonists, analogues of the C-terminal tetrapeptide of gastrin, by introduction of a beta-homo residue. J Med Chem 1989 Mar 1
47 3000513 The action of norepinephrine in the dentate gyrus: beta-mediated facilitation of evoked potentials in vitro. Brain Res 1985 Dec 9 2
48 3015973 A study on the postjunctional excitatory alpha-adrenoreceptor subtypes in the mesenteric arterial bed of the rat. J Auton Pharmacol 1986 Jun 1
49 3146672 Influence of a beta-adrenergic agonist on septic shock-induced alterations of phosphatidylcholine metabolism in rat lung. Lung 1988 2
50 3377085 Ontogenesis of intestinal taurine transport: evidence for a beta-carrier in developing rat jejunum. Am J Physiol 1988 Jun 1