Title : Localization of calmodulin binding sites on the ryanodine receptor from skeletal muscle by electron microscopy.

Pub. Date : 1994 Dec

PMID : 7696469

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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Protein Name
1 Wheat germ CaM was labeled specifically at Cys-27 with a maleimide derivative of a 1.4-nm-diameter gold cluster, and the gold-cluster-labeled CaM was bound to the purified ryanodine receptor. Cysteine CaM5 Triticum aestivum
2 Wheat germ CaM was labeled specifically at Cys-27 with a maleimide derivative of a 1.4-nm-diameter gold cluster, and the gold-cluster-labeled CaM was bound to the purified ryanodine receptor. maleimide CaM5 Triticum aestivum