Title : CMPK1 Regulated by miR-130b Attenuates Response to 5-FU Treatment in Gastric Cancer.

Pub. Date : 2021

PMID : 33816278

4 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 CMPK1 Regulated by miR-130b Attenuates Response to 5-FU Treatment in Gastric Cancer. Fluorouracil microRNA 130b Homo sapiens
2 Further analysis demonstrated that miR-130b as a key epigenetic regulator of CMPK1, and miR-130b-mediated attenuation of CMPK1 resulted in resistance of gastric cancer cells to DNA damage and cell death after treatment with 5-FU. Fluorouracil microRNA 130b Homo sapiens
3 Further analysis demonstrated that miR-130b as a key epigenetic regulator of CMPK1, and miR-130b-mediated attenuation of CMPK1 resulted in resistance of gastric cancer cells to DNA damage and cell death after treatment with 5-FU. Fluorouracil microRNA 130b Homo sapiens
4 Thus, this newly identified miR-130b-CMPK1 axis suggests a potentially new chemotherapeutic strategy for improved response to 5-FU therapy. Fluorouracil microRNA 130b Homo sapiens