Title : Polyspecific substrate uptake by the hepatic organic anion transporter Oatp1 in stably transfected CHO cells.

Pub. Date : 1999 Apr

PMID : 10198348

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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Protein Name
1 The results establish the polyspecific nature of Oatp1 in a mammalian expression system and definitely identify conjugated dihydroxy bile salts and steroid conjugates as high-affinity endogenous substrates of Oatp1. dihydroxy bile salts ornithine aminotransferase pseudogene 1 Homo sapiens
2 The results establish the polyspecific nature of Oatp1 in a mammalian expression system and definitely identify conjugated dihydroxy bile salts and steroid conjugates as high-affinity endogenous substrates of Oatp1. Steroids ornithine aminotransferase pseudogene 1 Homo sapiens