Title : Computer design of T-cell agonist or antagonist glycopeptides: the effect of sugar identity and anomeric configuration on MHC binding.

Pub. Date : 1995

PMID : 9346848

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Computer design of T-cell agonist or antagonist glycopeptides: the effect of sugar identity and anomeric configuration on MHC binding. Glycopeptides major histocompatibility complex, class I, C Homo sapiens
2 While alpha-linked glycopeptides can bind to MHC without major alterations in the spatial arrangements and hydrogen bonding pattern of class II-peptide binding, the binding of beta-linked glycopeptides is considerably less favorable due to steric and columbic conflicts. Glycopeptides major histocompatibility complex, class I, C Homo sapiens