Title : CRP:cAMP complex binding to the lac operator region induces a structural change in lac DNA.

Pub. Date : 1997 Jun 30

PMID : 9264036

6 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 CRP:cAMP complex binding to the lac operator region induces a structural change in lac DNA. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
2 At CRP:cAMP complex concentrations greater than 200 nM, decreases in jM correlated with CRP binding to both the promoter-proximal and the operator-proximal CRP binding sites. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
3 At CRP:cAMP complex concentrations greater than 200 nM, decreases in jM correlated with CRP binding to both the promoter-proximal and the operator-proximal CRP binding sites. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
4 At CRP:cAMP complex concentrations greater than 200 nM, decreases in jM correlated with CRP binding to both the promoter-proximal and the operator-proximal CRP binding sites. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
5 These results show that binding of the CRP:cAMP complex to the operator-proximal CRP binding site induces a structural change in lac DNA. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
6 These results show that binding of the CRP:cAMP complex to the operator-proximal CRP binding site induces a structural change in lac DNA. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens