Title : Development and characterization of a biodegradable polyphosphate.

Pub. Date : 1997 Jan

PMID : 8978658

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 The OP-1 release from this physically dispersed polymeric matrix may be described by several possible mechanisms: diffusion, bulk polymer degradation, ion complexation, and interactions among the protein (OP-1), polymer, proteins, and enzymes in the media. Polymers bone morphogenetic protein 7 Homo sapiens
2 The OP-1 release from this physically dispersed polymeric matrix may be described by several possible mechanisms: diffusion, bulk polymer degradation, ion complexation, and interactions among the protein (OP-1), polymer, proteins, and enzymes in the media. Polymers bone morphogenetic protein 7 Homo sapiens