Title : Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of fatty acid interactions with rat liver fatty acid-binding protein.

Pub. Date : 1996 Dec 6

PMID : 8940102

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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Protein Name
1 Fatty acid-binding protein from rat liver (L-FABP) binds 2 fatty acids (FA) per protein, in contrast to FABPs from adipocyte, heart, and intestine, for which binding and structural studies are consistent with a single FA binding site. Fatty Acids fatty acid binding protein 1 Rattus norvegicus
2 Fatty acid-binding protein from rat liver (L-FABP) binds 2 fatty acids (FA) per protein, in contrast to FABPs from adipocyte, heart, and intestine, for which binding and structural studies are consistent with a single FA binding site. Fatty Acids fatty acid binding protein 1 Rattus norvegicus