Title : Role of non-quantal acetylcholine release in surplus polarization of mouse diaphragm fibres at the endplate zone.

Pub. Date : 1994 Jun 15

PMID : 7932237

3 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 All of these factors are known to eliminate TC-induced hyperpolarization in anti-ChE-treated muscles (H-effect), which is considered to be a correlate of non-quantal acetylcholine (ACh) leakage. Acetylcholine butyrylcholinesterase Mus musculus
2 All of these factors are known to eliminate TC-induced hyperpolarization in anti-ChE-treated muscles (H-effect), which is considered to be a correlate of non-quantal acetylcholine (ACh) leakage. Acetylcholine butyrylcholinesterase Mus musculus
3 In short-term denervated muscles with intact ChE, the surplus polarization was restored by 5 x 10(-8) M ACh, which simulates the H-effect in anti-ChE-treated muscles. Acetylcholine butyrylcholinesterase Mus musculus